Springvale House is an Anglican School. Here, we meet every Friday morning at our Saint Francis Chapel for hymn practice, followed by a half hour service designed for the youngsters of a prep school. This service is taken by our resident Chaplain, Karl Heuer. Karl is also available to guide and mentor the children when needed.
At the end of each service it has become traditional for us to sing our beautiful blessing.
Springvale House also has a School prayer which is said at assembly:
“Accept and bless O Lord, this School, and use it in all things
according to Thy will. May it stand always for all that is
true. noble, lovely, and of good report. Grant that we and others
may so gain from its life that many may bless Thee for the day when
it was founded, and that its work may be extended and continued for
generations to come.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Prayers and messages are reinforced in daily assemblies and all meals begin and end with grace, and Religious Education is done by all classes during the week.
“May God’s blessing surround you each day
As you trust Him and walk in his Way
May His Spirit within guard and keep you from sin
Go in peace, go in joy, go in love – Amen.”