The Board of Governors meets formally on a biannual basis to receive reports from the Rector and the Business Director. The BoG has specific responsibility for the appointment of the Rector and the Business Director. The BoG takes a general interest in the development of Peterhouse.
The Executive Committee meets once each term to receive reports from the Rector, the HMPHG, the HMSVH, the Chairman of BESTCO and the Chairman of EXCO. EXCO has authority over the other two sub-committees although it is usually the case that EXCO acts on the recommendation of these committees together with the school’s Top Management Team (i.e. the Rector, the HMPHG, the HMSVH and the Business Director).
Dr Peter Hildebrand Chairman
Mr Simon Arnold
Mr Peter Dombropoulos
Mr Nick Grant
Mr Matt Hosack
Mr Douglas Hoto
Mr Andrew Huck
Mrs Miranda Khumalo
Dr Mike Manga
Mrs Mavis Mataranyika
Mr Rich Moores
Mr Gordon Simpson
Mr N Weller
Mr Guy Hammond
Mrs Sharn Hewer
Finance Committee (FINCO)The Finance Committee meets once each term to discuss all financial affairs relating to the maintenance and development of the Peterhouse Group. FINCO reports to EXCO.
Mr Guy Hammond
Mrs Sharn Hewer
The Building and Estates Committee meets once each term to discuss current building projects and proposed infrastructural developments of the Peterhouse Group. BESTCO reports to EXCO through FINCO.
Mr Jon Trafford BA (Natal) U.ED (Natal)
Deputy Headmaster & Director of Outdoor Education
Mr F de Kock HED (Snr Prim) B Ed Hons in Educational Law, Policy and Management
Director of Studies
Mr S. Ndlovu BSc Hon; Int Cert in T&L; Exec Cert in M&E; MA (Dev Studies); PGDE
Senior Master (Pupils)
Mr TLC Mushiko Cert Ed
Deputy Director of Studies
Mr P. Chinyanga BASHCMS, PGDE, BA
Director of Extra-Curricular Activities
Mrs C. Mtakwa BA (UNISA) Dip Ed (MCTC) M Ed (UZ)
Senior Master- Academic Administration
Mr A.P Griggs Bsc (Hons) PGCE MRSB
Director of Leadership Development
Mr D. Tanser MSc Mgmt (Edinburgh,
Scotland), MSc Elec Eng (UCT)
Senior Chaplain
Rev S. Davy BA (Eng and Phil) M Ed
Senior Housemaster
Mr K. Barbour
Director of Sport
Mr W. Holman
I/C Dame Molly Court
Mrs M. Simpson B Com, PGCE, QTS
Head of Wellbeing
Mrs R. Tanser BA Psychology, PGCE
Art Department
Mrs R. Dardagan Britz BFA, MFA, HDE (Rhodes) Director of Art & Head of Art
Mr G. Masanga – Dip TVE CUT
Miss N Murape DipEd Voc Tech
Biology Department
Mr P. Fantiso BSc (UZ) PGCE (Unisa) – Head of Department
Mr A. Chibowora BSc PGDE
Mr A.P Griggs Bsc (Hons) PGCE MRSB
Mr S. Ndlovu BSc Hon; Int Cert in T&L; Exec Cert in M&E; MA (Dev Studies); PGCE
Miss R. Makanza BSc (Hon) Mech & Mechatronics Eng, PGD PM
Mr F. de Kock HED (Snr Prim) B Ed Hons in Educational Law, Policy and Management
Chemistry Department
Mr A. Chakumhara BSc Ed
Mr N. Chinodyaruswa BSc Ed
Mrs R. Brooke BSc (Hon), MSc Geochem, PGCE
Commercials and Travel & Tourism Department
Mr P. Chirombe BED Acc – Head of Department
Mr E. Banda Dip Ed
Mr K.C Barbour
Mr P.M Chavunduka BBS (Hons) MED
Mr K. Nyamakanga Bsc Ed
Mrs M. Simpson BCom, PGCE, QTS
Mrs T. Patsanza BA Ed
Miss N. Murape DipEd Voc, PGDE, BA
Mr P. Chinyanga BASHCMS, PGDE, BA
Curriculum Support
Mrs D. Anderson BSc (Unisa) Midlands Christian Training
Mrs H. Coetzee BA (Ling and Psych) PGCE (Rhodes)
Information Technology Department
Mr F. Chisenga Dip in Tec Voc Ed, BSc (Hons), MComm (Info Sys Mngt) – Head of Department
Mr B. Chirairo BSc Ed, Dip Ed, CISCO
Mr T. Nyahwa HND IT, Int Cet in T&L, Exec. DBL, BSc Hon. Computing
Mr D Nzanga
Design Technology Department
Mr T. Mhete B Ed (UZ) Dip Ed – Head of Department
Mr T. Chigora ND in TGD, Dip in Tec Voc Edu (UZ)
Divinity Department
Mrs L.T Makwindi Dip Ed
Ms T.B Chirara BA G
English Department
Mr T.M Nzanga BA PGCE MED (CU)
Mrs J. de Kock BA (Hons) HED
Rev S.D Davy BA (Eng and Phil) M Ed
Mrs H. Coetzee BA (Ling and Psych) PGCE (Rhodes)
Mr P. Chinyanga BASHCMS, PGDE, BA
Mrs C. Mtakwa BA (UNISA) Eng Lit & Psy; Dip Ed (MCTC); MA MEELGI (UZ)
Mr D. Dube BA (Law, Politics & History)
Mrs H. Allott
Mrs K. Zaal Dip Sp & Ex (UK), TEFL, Dip Teaching
French Department
Mrs S. Gombedza BA Hons in French (UZ) – Head of Department
Mr T.L.C Mushiko Cert Ed DMAV
Geography Department
Mr I. Brooke BSc (Hons) PGCSE (Sunderland) – Head of Department
Mr C.R Tswatswa BA Grad CE (UZ) MED (CU)
Mr W.J Ker BSc CIS Dip
Mrs T. Patsanza BA Ed
Mr A. Durham BA PGCE
Mrs H. Coetzee BA (Ling and Psych) PGCE (Rhodes)
Mr E. Findlay BSc ENG (Civil)
History Department
Mr F. Mukucha BA (UZ) PGCE (Unisa) MA (CU) – Head of Department
Mr S. Walraven BA (History and Politics) PGCSE, LO
Mr D. Dube BA (Law, Politics and History)
Mr T. Baudi (Hons) HND (Edu)
Mr H. F Sakarombe BA Gen, PGCE (UZ), Cert in M&E (UZ) and MA Education (USW)
Hunter / Guide & Conservation
Mrs P. Raynor BSc (Botany & Plant Pathology) LHG
Life Skills
Rev. S. Davy BA (Eng and Phil) M Ed
Mr J. Trafford BS (Natal) U.ED (Natal)
Mrs M. Simpson B Com, PGCE, QTS
Mr T. Baudi (Hons) HND (Edu)
Mr K.C Barbour
Maths Department
Mr S. Mazani BSc (Maths and Statistics) – Head of Department
Mr T. Kaitano BSc Ed
Mr Z. Kasawaya BSc Ed IPMZ MBA
Mr H. Sibanda BSc (Maths and Statistics) Grad CE
Mr M. Makwiranzou MBA, BSc, PGDE (Post Grad Dip Ed), Diploma in Ministry.
Mr A. Peebles BCom, Acc DipTax, PGCE
Mr T. Gwaza MSc, BSc Hons, PGDEM
Mrs D. Anderson BSc (Unisa) Midlands Christian Training
Music Department
Mr T. Jera BA (Hons) Music, AMusTCL
Physical Education
Mr S. Ndlovu BSc Hon; Int Cert in T&L; Exec Cert in M&E; MA (Dev Studies); PGCE
Mr A. Durham BA PGCE
Mr A.J. Cummings BSc (Hon)
Physics Department
Mr R. Chiminya B Tech (Applied Physics Hons) GRAD CE, MEDAPPS – Head of Department
Mr B.S Allott Bsc (Chem Engineering)P, GradDipEd
Mr D. Tanser MSc Mgmt (Edinburgh, Scotland), MSc Elec Eng (UCT)
Miss R. Makanza BSC (Hon) Mech & Mechatronics Eng, PGD PM
Science Department
Mr P. Fantiso BSc PGCE – Head of Department
Mr F. de Kock HED (Snr Prim) B Ed Hons in Educational Law, Policy and Management
Mr D. Tanser MSc Mgmt & Elec eng
Mr S. Ndlovu BSc Hon; Int Cert in T&L; Exec Cert in M&E; MA (Dev Studies); PGDE
Mr A.J. Cummings BSc (Hon)
Mr B.S. Allott BSc (Chem & Engineering)P GradDipEd
Mrs R. Brooke BSc (Hon), MSc Geochem, PGCE
Shona Department
Ms T.B Chirara BA Grad CE – Head of Department
Mrs L.T Makwindi Dip Ed
Nursery School
Mrs S. Whitcomb Health Trs Dip