Thursday 30th March 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The end of term as always is a very welcome visitor, as it brings with it the chance to rest after the busyness of school. Well done to pupils, staff and parents alike for your efforts this term; I think every one of you has
earned a good break! I would like to make few congratulations before we start the holidays:
Firstly, to our musicians for the wonderful success they have had – once again – at the NIAA Eisteddfod.
Many of the girls have been involved and they along with the staff of the Music Department deserve high praise. I would like to make a special thanks to Mr Milupi Imbula, who copes so graciously with the extra
workload and challenges that the Eisteddfod brings. Music is unique in that it is something that can be participated in and enjoyed by all people in all stages of their lives. What a pleasure and a joy that we have
skilled musicians who are willing to impart their knowledge onto the next generation. It’s a wonderful legacy left by the music team at the school.
Secondly, I must make mention of our senior debaters who have had an unbeaten season. Well done girls for all the dedication and effort you have put into this.
On the sports track, our athletes have completed their season with resounding wins, clearly establishing themselves as the top team within the schools.
When our girls compete in academics, music, culture or sport, they carry our name as a school with them, and I am proud to say that the outstanding results produced this term have lifted the Peterhouse Girls name
like a banner. Well done on an incredible term girls.
Last weekend we had the Tatanga camping weekend in Gosho Park. We were blessed with wonderful weather, which is often not the case on the camping weekend! This was a wonderful opportunity for the
parents and girls to connect with the school and spend time with one another. It was exceptionally well supported and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
I would like to take some time to remind the senior girls about the importance of spending some time during the holidays in preparation for the mock examinations. Do take time to rest, but also make sure to set
yourselves up for success next term. Good fruit can only be harvested if seeds are sown in season. This is your season to put in the ground work – true character is shown in the times when nobody can see the work
you are putting in.
I think the words of Jesus are very fitting for the end of term and the Easter season; “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how
to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”(Matt 11:28-39 MSG). I hope this holiday you all find rest at the feet of the Father, and come back
next term renewed and rejuvenated and ready to get stuck into all that second term has to offer.
A very happy Easter to you all!
Mrs Claire Hough