Peterhouse Group of Schools

Glossary of Terms


The Association of Trust Schools.


Our forms or year groups are called Blocks, and run bottom to top as D Block (Form 1), C Block (Form 2), B Block (Form 3), A Block (Form 4 – IGCSE), and 5th Form, 6th Form (A Level).


The Conference of Heads of Independent Schools in Zimbabwe. 


Sports, Culture and Academic Colours are awarded to boys with outstanding achievements in a particular discipline.


– A certificate awarded to a boy who gains at least 50% “A” grades for achievement and effort in the bi-termly Mark Orders.

Credits and Distinctions

These are awarded at the last Assembly of each term to boys who have been of service or have distinguished themselves in some way.

Entrance Exam

This exam is set by ATS for Grade 7 pupils wishing to gain entry into ATS secondary schools. Applicants who have already registered at Peterhouse Boys are invited to write the Entrance Exam at Peterhouse Boys.


The Christian Service commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed.


A Christian Service of evening prayers, psalms and canticles.


The Executive Committee is the active sub-committee of the Governing Body.  


The Patronal Festival, ‘The Feast of St Peter’s Chains’, is celebrated on 1st August.  A Biennial Festival is held over the weekend closest to this date and includes school plays, performances, demonstrations, displays, market stalls, music and a wide variety of entertainment for parents and pupils.

Fixture Free Weekend

A weekend of no sporting fixtures when all boys are required to go home from 1000hrs on a Friday and return by 0930hrs on a Monday morning (Tuesday morning in the case of some Half-Term breaks).

Floating Weekend

One of three optional weekends when a boy may go home subject to any school commitments either from Friday afternoon, after commitments, to Sunday 1700hrs; or from Saturday 0900hrs, or after commitments, to Monday 0700hrs.

Honours Tie

The highest honour awarded at Peterhouse for outstanding achievement / service.  


There are six main boarding Houses at Peterhouse Boys, being Ellis, Founders, Grinham, Malvern, Paget and Snell where the boys reside in dormitories and studies and work in toyes.  Each competes against the others in academics, cultural activities and sporting disciplines.

Mark Orders

Twice a term, a boy will receive an assessment from those who teach him and this assessment is recorded and discussed with the boy by his Housemaster or Tutor.  Boys take their Mark Orders home where they must be signed by a parent and returned to the school.


The name for the village, at Peterhouse Boys, where most workers and waged staff reside.

Open Day

This is held once a year for parents of Grade 6 pupils.  Parents and boys are invited to Peterhouse Boys to have a look around before having to decide at which school their son will sit the Entrance Exam.  Normally only parents who have registered, or are from Springvale House or Ruzawi School are invited to the Open Day.   

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Each year group has one Parent-Teacher meeting a year.   Parents are asked to attend the meetings in order to meet their sons’ teachers and discuss their sons’ progress.   

Parents’ Association (PA)

The Parents’ Association consists of twelve parents nominated by the parent body who are then elected at a Parents’ Association meeting.  The Association liaises closely with the Peterhouse Management team and represents the parents at Financial and Executive Committee Meetings.


The school’s cottage in Nyanga situated above the Troutbeck Hotel and close to the Connemara Lakes.


Boys and girls who have attended Peterhouse for six years, or in their A Level years, automatically qualify to become Petreans of Peterhouse.   The Petrean Society helps Petreans in all parts of the world get together to renew friendships and re-establish contact, and keeps them abreast of developments, functions and dinners they may like to attend.

Rector’s Send Ups

These are designed for the Rector to congratulate boys personally who have done well in the Mark Orders each term.


A daily report by some or all of a boy’s subject teachers, in a situation where the boy is not considered to be working to his full potential.

Speech Day

This is held once a year, in the third term, and is attended by all parents, pupils, staff and the Board of Governors and Executive Committee.  Speeches are given by the Rector, highlighting the school’s achievements throughout the year; by a Guest of Honour and by the Head of School.  It is the most prestigious day on the school’s calendar when pupils are rewarded for their outstanding achievements.  

St Francis

St Francis is a primary school that caters for roughly 420 workers children on the Springvale Estate. It is located in the village of the same name that provides accommodation for workers of Peterhouse Girls and Springvale House.  


This is one of the basic punitive sanctions.  Tasks are part of the weekly programme, on several afternoons, and are organised by a member of staff and the school prefects.


Toyes are used by boys to work in during prep times in their Houses.


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